Does anything say "party" more than a Cuban mojito?
They are simple to make, fun to drink and most certainly a crowd pleaser.
Many people may not associate a Mojito with Cuba, but it is where the drink started and if you trace it back further, it makes perfect sense. Just like we mention on our website, Cuban food is not spicy. (If you haven't had a chance to read our overview of Cuba, check it out here!)
But as this fact of non spicy-ness is not super well-known, my family and I often find ourselves explaining to people that we, in fact, don't like spicy food because that is not what we grew up with. ActualIy, I heard a story just last week about a man who went to Cuba and was disappointed by the food there because it was not as spicy as he would have liked.
The staple crop of Cuba, besides tobacco, is sugarcane. Kids grow up eating the stuff so that when they become adults, their sugar tolerance is so extremely high, my mother would catch her father in the sugar bowl while no one was looking, when he was at least 70 years old. Or then there is my aunt's "secret ingredient".
My aunt is a wonderful cook and has I believe at this point, captured the title of best cook in the family. She can and will make you anything you like, at any hour of the day. When I ask her, her secret? She leans in close and whispers, "... and then, I put a little bit of sugar" while showing me with her fingers what a pinch of sugar looks like. This holds true for sweet and savory dishes.
But I digress. Cuba is an island of sugarcane and that completely translates into its cuisine. These salty sweet combinations in everyday savory dishes are also just a reinforcement of the influence that the Chinese had on this tiny island. You can never have too much sugar and if you can't handle the sweet, just add a bit a citrus. We see this citrus component in Cuban dishes like Lechon Asado and in the everyday Cuban marinade, Mojo Criollo.
So it makes perfect sense, when seeking a drink for a hot day in a Caribbean island, that your beverage of choice would include those two items: sugar and citrus.
Cuba has been making rum for years and years as rum is made from the sugarcane plant that is so prolifically available there. Muddle in some mint to bring out all of its flavor and mix that with fresh lime juice and some ice and sparkling water for texture and to balance all those flavors out!
Looking for a few rum suggestions? Havana Club is a brand I disocvered while living in France and one that has been made in Cuba since 1908. While not available currently in the United States, if you do find it abroad, it's a great value for a great rum. For something that you can find more readlity available here in the states, we love Nicaragua's Flor de Caña and Mount Gay Eclipse. You won't be disappointed.
📖 Recipe
Cuban Mojito
- Yield: 1 Cocktail 1x
Does anything say party more than a mojito? They are simple to make, fun to drink and most certainly a crowd pleaser.
- 2 tsp. of sugar
- 1 tbsp. fresh lime juice
- 4-5 fresh mint sprigs
- 1.5 oz light rum
- 3 oz. sparkling water
- ice cubes to fill the glass
- In a tall glass, add sugar, the lime juice and mint sprigs.
- Muddle the mint gently with a spoon.
- Add rum and the ice cubes.
- Top with sparkling water.
- Stir well and enjoy!
Looking for a few rum suggestions? Havana Club is a brand I disocvered while living in France and one that has been made in Cuba since 1908. While not available currently in the United States, if you do find it abroad, it's a great value for a great rum. For something that you can find more readlity available here in the states, we love Nicaragua's Flor de Caña and Mount Gay Eclipse. You won't be disappointed.
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